34 More Memes Served Up Lickety-Split

If there’s one thing that most people don’t want from their memes, it’s for them to challenge them. This is one of the lowest forms of entertainment we’re dealing with, here. We want to to feel amused and maybe do some relating to whatever is being presented to us, not have to think about the many, many things that exist outside our narrow worldview.

It isn’t always possible for memes to achieve this anodyne goal, but many of them sure do try. Not every meme is going to cater to every meme-consuming person, and that’s OK! All we can hope for when we do our daily scroll is that one or two of them will strike a chord. We’re still being provided with the distraction that we crave, and that’s enough. If they challenge us, we don’t have to think about it too hard if we don’t want to, anyway. 

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