35+ Hilarious Sci-Fi Memes to Fill Your Nerdy Needs (May 6, 2024)

Everyone is talking about Dune these days. It seems to me the biggest blockbuster science fiction franchise we’ve had in a very long time. Movies like that are few and far between, probably in part because of how expensive they are to make. Millions of dollars of scenery, and talent, not to mention CGI. That’s the thing about movie magic… sometimes it’s expensive. 

But you don’t necessarily need a multi-million dollar budget to make something spectacular. Think of Georges Méliès– the early-era filmmaker who showed how much you could accomplish with practical effects. In some cases, all you need to land a rocket in the moon’s eye is some cardboard, a film strip, and a whole lot of imagination. Things the best sci-fi movies tend to have plenty of. But you know what’s even lower budget than that? Memes. Memes take no money to make, just some humor and a healthy dose of stupidity. 

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