35 Lighthearted Memes for Easygoing Folks

What is free will? Does the conscious self dictate behavior, or is something going on in the brain behind the scenes regardless of what one is «thinking» or «feeling?» Many neuroscientists believe that free will is just an illusion, and that our conscious self is merely notified after the brain has already planned and carried out a given behavior or action. If the brain is Reddit, then the conscious self is the moderator—the moderator may think they’re in control, but things are getting posted whether the moderator is awake or not. If neuroscience is correct and my conscious intentions have little to do with the actions I take in life, then why did my unconscious brain choose to seek memes on the internet and scroll for hours at a time? What evolutionary purpose could such a behavior possibly serve for my monkey brain? 

Anyway, here’s some delightfully carefree memes for easygoing folks. 

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