35+ Memes For a Normal Tuesday Morning

Do any of you remember that store Tuesday Morning? I recently did some light Googling and found out that they have completely gone out of business after the events of 2020, and I think it’s a darn shame. I used to frequent a strip mall where the Tuesday Morning was the classiest offering (it was wedged between a Dollar General and a Kidney Dialysis center). My favorite thing about that store was its name. There’s no better name for a retail establishment mostly frequented by stay-at-home moms that sells nothing in particular. You could get some decorative throw pillows, knitting yarn, and a box of peppermint bark, and that’s about it. It was Cost Plus: World Market for people whose world didn’t extend beyond a 30-mile radius. If you miss that fluorescently lit, liminal store and would like to feel joy after ruminating on the pain of its absence, perhaps these funny memes will lift your spirits. 

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