35 Memes to Calm Your Nerves

Do y’all ever think about how anxiety is kinda lame? I was first diagnosed with anxiety almost five years ago, and once I got on medication, it completely changed my life. I went from my body and mind being constantly on edge to only having my mind be on edge, which solved more than half of the anxiety problem. As the years have marched on, I’ve gotten more used to not feeling irrationally anxious all the time for no reason. My recent problem has been not giving myself artificially produced anxiety by constantly consuming caffeine. My life has been hectic and taxing over the past few years, so I need caffeine to function at my «best level.» However, consuming four cans of Diet Coke before noon doesn’t scream «girl doing her best.» It screams «intervention.» If you need to calm down before bed because you’re also a caffeinated person, these memes might soothe you for a little while. 

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