35+ Memes to Smooth Things Over

It’s true of many things in life that the bad stuff makes the good stuff seem even better. The traumatizing minimum wage customer service job you had in college makes the boring, ‘adult’ office job look comparatively peaceful; that truly awful ex helped you to be extra appreciative of your current partner. Even on a smaller scale, this is true. Seeing a meme that is undeniably cringe increases your appreciation for one that one hundred percent caters to your personal taste.

This phenomenon makes a list like this a great exercise in tolerance. It’s highly likely that not every meme found below will be on exactly your wavelength, but that only increases the entertainment you experience from the ones that you do enjoy. Also, no matter what you think of them, they’re still passing the time in an acceptable, brain-numbing way. As we always like to say, smooth brain, smooth life.

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