36 Family Memes That Don’t Fall Far From the Tree (March 3, 2024)

Did you grow up with siblings and a big family? Or were you really into like, books and quiet coloring? For those of us who got thrown into the social deep end of the gene pool. Family parties meant that we had to clean the house ‘til it was spotless, cook weeks’ worth of food, and prepare our earlobes to be tugged by each boisterous auntie who walked in the door. Our cousins stole our video games, our uncles tried to show us magic tricks, and sometimes, we really wished we could sit quietly and read a book in silence. 

But that’s what family is all about–getting all up in our grills and into our business. Because guess what, Buttercup… At the end of the day, our business is their business because family will always have your back. 

So even when you’re at your limit with political chatter, your family questioning your life choices, and your siblings insulting your outfit, this dilapidated group of people is your #1 tribe. Scroll onward for this month’s best family memes to celebrate apples that fell right next to the base of the tree. 

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