36 Memes to Help You Survive Until Summer

Whoof, how is it only April? It feels like the longest year I’ve ever had. Staring gloomily at my laptop, not taking my vacation days… I guess that’s on me. But something has got to give. Either my bank account or a lottery ticket. Just kidding, I don’t spend money on those. So I need to get creative. What other ways could I potentially give myself some much-needed serotonin? Memes, of course. I could scroll through memes for days. I wake up, memes. I eat lunch, memes. I go to bed, memes. They haunt my dreams at this point.

Summer is coming up and perhaps we’ll need fewer memes because we’ll go outside more. Now there is literally no reason for me to leave my house as it’s still quite cold where I live. So at the moment, memes it is. On that note, scroll down for memes to help you survive until summer, and then check out this manager who kicked an employee off their shift for not adhering to the company dress code.

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