37 Family Memes That Don’t Fall Far From the Tree (January 27, 2024)

As a kid, if you ever mentioned to your grandparents that you liked a particular animal at the zoo, they’d never forget it. It’s endearing that they were so thoughtful, but after receiving your 40th pair of socks with owls on them, numerous owl stuffed animals, and the owl t-shirts for every birthday gift, your child self was simply fed up. Nobody likes owls that much, Grandma!

Family has a way of remembering little details about us and latching onto them. So even if it is annoying to get a paint-by-number owl-scape as a 30-year-old, cherish those happy memories of that one time you said you liked something when you were 10 years old and let wholesomeness swell in your heart for a second that a family member loves you more than you love owls. And the next time you’re looking at that goofy owl statue in your childhood bedroom, think of your deal ol’ granny and the $20 bill she stashed inside for you in secret. 

Once your heart is full, scroll these family memes that’ll make you cherish all your little silly family moments this month. 

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