37 Memes Devoted to the Cause of Memery

Everybody needs something to devote themselves to. For the more family-orientated, this ends up being their kids; if they’re a professional with a passion, perhaps they outdo themselves in healthcare, or become the best in business

The fact of the matter is, though, that not every single person is going to find fulfilment through these socially accepted routes. There are plenty of individuals out there who have no choice to take the path less traveled, or at least less respected. It’s not easy being the screwup who lives in their mom’s basement, but somebody has to do it: they choose to center their life around memes.

We can debate whether the meme makers in this world actually make it a better place, but one thing we know for sure is that they provide us with a lot of entertainment. That’s a legacy worth having, even if some may not see it that way.

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