40+ Memes That Spread Like a Rash

I’m a very itchy person all year round. I blame my seasonal allergies. I’ve never been a stranger to random bouts of inflammation, although I thank my lucky stars that I’ve never suffered from eczema. That stuff is brutal. 

Rashes are a pretty alarming symptom to develop, which is probably why they’re used as a popular simile for something that gets popular really quickly. Memes are no stranger to such allusions, seeing as they’ve been going viral for longer than some of today’s adults have been alive. They also have the potential to be very irritating — the rash-like allusions just keep on building. 

Hopefully the memes below won’t have you breaking out in hives, but they will serve as a reminder of why the act of memeing can be so contagious. They’re just too darn addictive to ever give up completely. Go ahead, and continue their propagation. It’s what they’re meant for.

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