45+ Memes Just When You Thought It Couldn’t Get Any Better

Isn’t being alive just wonderful? We are living, breathing human beings, and we’ve been blessed with another day on this earth…how special is that? I know how easy it can be to think about the negative things in your life constantly, but that’s not the only lens you should use. Why find fault with even the most dazzling of situations when you can get into the gratitude and positive thinking of it all? 

I’m not saying we should lean into «toxic positivity» and spew good vibes when we’re in the midst of something harrowing. All I’m saying is that we’re probably not living during the worst period of our lives, and we should be happy about that. So many of us are in our bikinis, floating down the river of abundance, and that’s something to celebrate. If you’re happy to be alive and want another reason to be, these memes are hilarious and worth living for. 

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