A Blessing of Memes for Anyone in Need of Light Entertainment

You know what? We are so lucky to have existed at the same time as internet memes. Only a generation or two before us, if we were bored and wanted a distraction we had to make our own entertainment, or so older relatives will never stop telling us. Nowadays, all we have to do is attach our eyeballs to one of our many screens for the sake of purpose-built amusement.

Sure, our brains probably are not equipped to deal with the amount of neatly packaged jokes that we ingest on a daily basis, but that’s not our problem. All we’re looking for is that sweet, sweet diversion that stops us from thinking too hard. 

As usual, we’ve got just the thing to help with that process. Here are some more memes to aid in your pursuit of low effort, low commitment fun, in the least sleazy sense of these phrases. 

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