A Blissful Break of 32 Memes

I don’t know about you, but I am often left feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day. I feel like it may have something to do with the small, interactive screen I keep close to my person at all times, but let’s not get into that. When it comes to being pressed for time, we have two approaches: we can try and optimize, or we can attempt to escape the arbitrary temporal boundaries that we place ourselves under. Guess which one I’m going to choose?

That’s right, for me and for this whole website, it’s escapism all the way, baby. That is more or less the main purpose of memes, after all. As far as we can tell, the ones displayed below are no different in that respect. They should do just fine when it comes to peacefully wasting a couple of the finite and precious minutes that you have on this Earth.

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