A Bunch of Memes for Light Weekend Entertainment

Ah, Saturday. A day of the week when anything seems possible (so long as you’re not at work). You could mow the lawn, or visit a farmer’s market. You could figure out something fun to do with friends. Or, you could do what we would prefer, which is rotting inside looking at piece after piece of Content.

It doesn’t really nourish your body, mind, or soul like many other activities would, but it can’t be denied that it’s a compelling prospect. It requires almost no effort, and it’s definitely entertaining.

Let’s be honest, this is about as much as most of us have energy for when it gets to the weekend. Any wholesome or useful free time activities will just have to wait until after you get your meme fix. It only takes as long as you want it to, which could only be a matter of minutes. Who knows?

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