A Bunch of Memes That Are Worth Scrolling Through

Free time is a concept that is difficult to define. Most of us feel like we don’t get enough of it, then when we are given the opportunity to have some, we don’t know what to do with ourselves. Broadly speaking, for most of the adult population, this is the time we have to use to recover from going to work. Once you’ve got chores and basic bodily needs out of the way, it can leave us at a loose end when it comes to entertaining ourselves. We can’t even while away a few precious minutes by complaining about our boredom to our parents anymore. Luckily, there is a genre of communication that excels in doing that complaining for us: the wonderful world of memes. Leave all your worries of tedium here, and slide along for a ride through the random and amusing. The time is simply going to fly by. 

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