A Bundle of Memes to Carefully Sift Through

I’m gonna level with ya. I’m writing the intro to this list while lying in bed with a mild hangover, in a time zone I’m not used to and a climate that doesn’t help too much, either. I’m too lazy right now to even get up and get some water, but my excuse is that I have to pour all my energies into the curation of this random array of memes. It feels like a struggle, especially when the AC is both giving me a headache and preventing me from melting into a puddle at the same time. Under any other circumstances I would not be collating a load of memes, but I’m here anyway. So, let’s take a moment to appreciate all the dumb little images that we have presented below us. What they lack in scrupulous selection they make up for in effort, or at least, that’s what we’re going to tell ourselves.

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