A Comely Conglomerate Of Different Memes

We’ve lived with the idea of memes for so long that they have far outgrown what anybody originally expected them to be. Once upon a time, this form of humorous communication was confined to chain emails, weird forums, or the murky depths of 9GAG. Nowadays, you can’t spend time on almost any social media without running into them.

Of course, quantity doesn’t always mean quality. But who needs quality when all we want is another image macro to distract us from all our trials and tribulations? Memes have found many uses over the years, from entertainment to satire to political force. This doesn’t mean that they have to be complicated, though. Sometimes simple is best. Now that they’ve found all these different meanings, the best way to honor them is to go back to basics by chuckling at a few dumb, funny pictures as a way to pass the time.

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