A Conga Line of Memes Parading Through the Internet

Greetings, internet traveller. Back for more memes, I see. Before aggressively scrolling past these icky words so that you can get to the funny pictures, why not take a moment to center yourself and reach a place of stillness. There’s no need to rush, the memes will still be there, I promise. Take a deeeeeeeep breath in through your nose. Hold that breath at the top and think about a beautiful, sunny field of grass. No eeeeeeexhale that breath out through the crown of your head. Feel the stress hormones expel from your body as you breathe out. Now take another deeeeep inhale, and as you take in the world’s warm energy, root yourself deeper into your gamer chair while lifting your shoulders up, rotating them back, and dropping them down. Now eeeeeeexhale all the toxic energy you’ve been carrying from doom-scrolling for hours. Slowly blink your eyes open. You are now ready for your memes. Remember to repeat this process in between extended periods of internet consumption. Namaste. 

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