A Cosy Collection of Cat Memes

Other species may get their fair share of airtime in the world of memes, but cats will always be the ultimate rulers of the internet when it comes to animals. Ever since the first feline procured a LOL out of some unsuspecting internet dweller, cat memes have been a steady supply of humor for doting owners and mere appreciators alike. As anyone who has spent enough time in the company of cats will tell you, they are true goofballs whose standoffish air is never all that it seems. As a result, they offer up perfect comedic value when it comes to being the subject of memes. We’ve come a long way from the days of making us a cookie and eated it, but there’s still plenty of feline content out there to enjoy. So long as cats never stop being the weird little idiots that they are, we will always be able to enjoy them in the form of memes.

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