A Dank Selection of Some Fine Memes

If a comedian makes a funny joke in a forest and no one is there to hear it, is it still funny? Writing little descriptions for these random meme galleries sort of feels like talking to a wall, or doing a standup routine to squirrels in the middle of an uninhabited forest. We all know nobody reads this crap. So why do we do it? Well, because the survival of websites like ours depends on certain social media platforms, and these certain social media platforms use algorithms that like it when we pretend to say unique and interesting things about internet memes. Without this little blurb, chances are these memes never would have reached you, dear reader. Instead, the algorithm would have buried these memes deep in the forgotten nether regions of the web to punish us for our unoriginal content. Anyway, I’ve probably said too much. I can hear search engine optimization police coming for me now. If these are my final words, tell me family I love them. 

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