A Deck of Memes to Play A Round With

Card games are one of the great generational common grounds. Put a child, a young adult, a middle-aged person, and a grandparent all around the same table, and they can all play blackjack together. It’s because the humble deck of cards had been around for ages- we all know what they look like, how they work, and have some idea of how to use them. And they’re convenient as heck. I have friends who keep a deck of cards on them at all times, just in case things get boring. 

They’re a great way to make friends (if you’ve ever stayed at a hostel, you know how true this is), and they’re a great way to entertain yourself when you’re alone. Not to mention, they are a site for the most crucial kinds of magic tricks. All to say, think of these memes as a deck of cards. Simple, portable, and ready for your enjoyment.

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