A Fine Vintage of 31 Memes for Distinguished Meme Consumers

As a type of communication that is closely tied to the trend cycle, memes aren’t necessarily meant to last very long. They may well still be passed around the internet for years after they first grace it, but the road from cool, to funny, to cringe is a swift and brutal one. Today’s annoying craze is tomorrow’s subject of mockery.

At the same time, we would all lead happier lives if we committed to killing the part of us that cringes. While I may not still get the same amusement from many of the memes I liked when I was a teenager, there are some that stood the test of time. Also, even if we find something embarrassing, thousands of others may continue to think it’s hilarious. That’s why we probably shouldn’t judge every meme that crosses our path so harshly. Perhaps they do age better than we sometimes think.

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