A Gift of Memes From the Internet, to You

Just like most things in life, the entire internet is never going to be shaped around everything that we want. There are going to be parts of it that we disagree with, that we’re horrified by, that simply leave us cold. 

This is OK! Contrary to the whataboutism that many social media users like to display today, not every experience or piece of content has to be uniquely tailored to us. In fact, it’s occasionally good to make sure we get pushed out of our comfort zone. Expanding the mind is important, even in the smallest of ways.

While memes may not be the most educated resource, they’re one of the easiest ways to expose ourselves to things we might not see otherwise. While it has its bad sides, this is one of the gifts of being online. Appreciate it as it comes, and you never know — maybe you’ll enjoy yourself.

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