A Healthy Helping of Delightful Memes

What did people do in public before the internet? I can hardly remember. I like to imagine commuters on a bus just sitting there staring at each other in complete silence. The other day I went to a doctor’s appointment and forgot my phone, so I lazily gazed at the floor while I waited to get called in. The receptionist must have seen me having a staring contest with the tile, because she actually came up to me, gently placed a hand on my shoulder and asked me if I was alright. I said, «I forgot my phone» and she chuckled and nodded knowingly. Is this what we’ve come to as a society? We can’t even sit immobile with a neutral expression and do absolutely nothing without everyone thinking you’re a complete lunatic? 

If you’re in a public place and need something to look at so that people don’t become suspicious, we’ve got just the memes for you.

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