A Humble Arrangement Of Different Memes And Things

Life is full of distractions. Some are warranted, and some aren’t. The plot twist in the reality TV episode you inadvertently got sucked into while folding laundry? Ultimately, not that important. Whatever your boss has decided they are pissed off about today? It could be 50/50. Your house is on fire, you’re wife’s leaving you, and you have a missed call from the doctor’s office about that test they ran? OK, maybe that is more of a full-blown crisis.

When it comes to memes, they definitely fall at the more frivolous end of the scale. They are not an interruption to the order of things that it’s always easy to justify, especially when we have a lot to do. Nonetheless, they continue to succeed at helping all of us to procrastinate on a daily basis. While they may not be essential, they do fill a need that might not be recognized otherwise. 

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