A Medley of 41 Memes to Muddy the Malaise

Happy Monday, everybody. I hate to be a Garfield-like figure, but Mondays are often no good, especially if you had the good fortune of having Good Friday off. It’s hard to jump back into your regular routine when you’ve spent your whole Sunday doing holiday activities like eating egg bake and attending church with your family. If only Easter were on a Monday, you could have your entire weekend to do what you want, not have work on Monday, and reap the benefits of a cute four-day week. But alas, it is not meant to be, and Easter will stay an un-national holiday due to its marginalized weekend status. Oh, what drudgery. 

Fear not, because it’s not all bad! The weather is changing and summer is right around the corner. If you are in need of something small and positive to cling to, these merry memes will make it work. 

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