A Mighty Mix Of Memes And Things

Here we are again. New day, new memes, same need for mindless consumption in easily digestible list form. Perhaps you’ve happened upon your very first memes of the day, or maybe you’ve been scrolling through so many that these will simply blur into all the other random images that have flashed before your eyes. 

Whatever the case may be, there’s no denying that this whole meme business is addictive. Once the scroll begins, it’s hard to imagine ever even trying to stop and take a pause. 

If there’s one thing that unites most memes, it’s that their format encourages us to keep on looking for the next one. It doesn’t matter how good any individual example is, there will always be the yearning for some other piece of amusing content that’s just around the corner. That’s why we have no choice but to keep on coming back. There will always be a lot more to see.


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