A Patch of Seasonal Pumpkin Memes for All Spooky Fall Needs

Out of the splendid range of vegetables that are out there, few have the personality that comes with the pumpkin. These rotund orange squashes are pretty much inescapable at this time of year, taking over Instagram as people rush to get their fix at the pumpkin patches. Tasty to eat and fun to decorate, it’s hard to think of anything else that is such a quintessential part of the season. Naturally, this makes them very memeable. If we can get this much entertainment out of them offline, imagine what happens when we give them the crappy Photoshop treatment? The only limits are our imaginations, and our enjoyment of and tolerance for the spooky things in life. Whether fall is a time for you to bust out the pie recipe or to flex some enviable carving skills, this platter of pumpkin memes is sure to give an extra dose of humor to proceedings.

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