A Picnic Basket Full of Memes to Keep You Warm until Spring

The warm sun kisses your face, the gentle breeze licks at your ears, and the scent of flowers bring a smile to your face. Ah, Spring. There is no better season. Just then, you feel a tap on your shoulder and wake up abruptly. You look up to see a stern look on your boss’s face and realize that you have fallen asleep on the job… again. You clear your throat a little and tug at your jacket that you must wear indoors because it is in fact not Spring and it’s actually really, really cold. Even inside this stuffed little office. After a short but curt reprimanding, you go back to work, dreaming about the days when the sun will shine, the air will feel warm, and you will hate your job just a little bit less.

Scroll down for the funniest memes of the week for people who really wish winter was over, and then check out this overprotective mother who showed up at her daughter’s workplace, trying to convince her to put a tracker on her phone. Yikes.

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