A Plate of Memes to Make a Meal Out Of

There are many things in this world that we could consider sustenance. Food and water are some of the most obvious and vital ones, but there are plenty of supplementary things that nourish us as well. A truly good night’s sleep, not just a measly four and a half hours before your alarm goes. Spending a nice afternoon with friends or loved ones; even hearing some particularly juicy gossip. All of these and more can make the difference between feeling like we’ve met our needs, and feeling like we’ve gone above and beyond.

Naturally, it can be argued that memes fall under this category of nourishment. Laughter is essential, and this is a particularly convenient way of having it transported to you. With any luck some of the memes listed below will help you to raise a smile and take your day to the next level. We try our best.

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