A Procession of Slow-Moving Memes

Did you know that you can actually take your time while scrolling through funny memes and tweets? I always forget that being a slow poke is an option and a good one at that! Sometimes, I see a tweet I want to read and accidentally refresh Twitter immediately afterward, forcing me to scroll down like a dunce to the bottom of the page, finding what is usually a mediocre tweet. That could be avoided if I stopped playing on my phone like an elderly person at a slot machine, but I don’t know if I can do that regularly. If you’re like me and you live with the burden of being zippy, I urge you to please mull over these memes. Imagine they are floats in a compelling parade of humor that you want to last the whole afternoon. Take your time with these memes; I promise you’ll get more out of them than if you let them pass you by without consideration. 

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