A Run of Memes to Rush Through in a Hurry

If you’re reading this list, there’s a high chance that you’re somebody who is often pressed for time. The relentless pace of the rat race comes for everybody, and there’s no getting away from the pressures of it now and then. Even if you embrace full NEET status, most of the world just likes to go fast, and we can only avoid that for so long. 

This is why the meme is the perfect form of communication for our time of information overload. They are simple, entertaining, and most importantly, they pass by very quickly. They’ve destroyed our attention spans and our ability to laugh at anything vaguely normal, but hey, at least they’re easy to consume. Lord knows there are enough memes to go around to help aid this habit. This list may only sample a tiny selection of these, but that doesn’t mean they can’t provide us with some enjoyment.

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