A Shelf of Memes for Display Purposes Only

Aesthetics vs. functionality is one of those debates that will probably never be resolved. In an ideal world, almost all things would be both functional and beautiful (if you’re a true idealist, at least). That’s not the reality we exist in now, though. The baffling range of design choices we come across only proves that this is a battle that most people like to pick a side with.

This is even true when it comes to memes. With many of them, it’s abundantly clear that they were put together in two seconds and the quality of the craftmanship was the absolute last priority. Others are so stylistically developed it’s the first thing you notice about them. It’s a wide spectrum, but it brings together two purposes for a common goal: entertaining strangers on the internet. It’s a beautiful and unexpected reminder that all of us are not so different sometimes.

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