A Smack of Memes That Hit the Spot

We’re at a point in time where internet memes aren’t just a humble distraction any more. They are now nothing less than a deep-seated need. For many of us, checking our phone is the first thing we do in the morning, and one of the last things that happens before we fall asleep. It’s an addiction, sure, but at least it’s a funny one thanks to all the amusing pictures, videos, and text that make up the universe of memes

Just like with any need, it’s a good idea to have streamlined way of fulfilling it. Instead of wading through the depths of social media to find gold, we make it our duty to collect up regular batches of meme goodness. This list is only one of many examples, but they all do exactly the same thing: deposit memes to you. Enjoy the way that they scratch that itch, because there’s plenty more where that came from. 

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