A Smack of Mighty Tasty Memes

As anyone who has spent enough time around them understands, a bunch of memes is something that can feed the soul. Admittedly, the way that it does this is more like inhaling several packs of instant ramen than eating a well-balanced, homecooked meal, but it fills us up nonetheless. We can always trust that there is going to be an interesting amount of variety, and we don’t always know what to expect within that. 

However, it’s all about the element of surprise. You could scroll through this list and immediately forget the entire contents of it, which is the most likely option. Or, there might be something here that lingers in the mind for just a little longer. That’s the name of the relatable game, baby. The unpredictable part is that we never know when we might come across it. So take a chance, and enjoy the flavorful ride in the meantime. 

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