A Specification of Memes That Are Random

Most of us find ourselves with a lot of empty spaces in our day-to-day routine. Taking public transport, sitting in the waiting room at the dentist, pretending we’re busy at work at 4pm on a Friday — these are all situations where we feel the need to preoccupy ourselves. 

We could be cultured and read a book, or even take out our knitting. In reality, though, we all know the first thing that we’re going to reach for is our phone. If that is going to happen, things can go one of two ways. We start scrolling furiously through our social media of choice, or we go on the hunt for memes. Memes are the more engaging and less enraging option, so Memebase again packaged up a selection of them for you here. Those empty minutes will go by in no time with all of this feeding your eyeballs. Boredom be damned.

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