A Spoonful of Tasty Memes

To mangle an old saying, a man who is tired of memes is tired of life. These are the things that provide us with entertainment, day in, day out, never failing to give us the lowdown on pretty much any kind of topic imaginable. They’re what we turn to when we’re bored, upset, annoyed, or just generally need a distraction. To get into memes and then get out of them again? Perhaps you’ve stopped being able to feel anything at all. Most of us here may be hardened cynics, but we know how to enjoy the humor the internet throws at us. It might not be the most highbrow, or even particularly funny. It is, however, better than the alternative of whatever else we could be doing. That’s why we find ourselves at this list. It might be the first of the day, or the middle of a several-hour scroll sesh, but it’s still giving us what we crave. 

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