A Sumptuous Arrangement of Random Memes

In my humble opinion, the cult of the little treat has been one of the more compelling bits of cutesy and annoying internet lingo to have emerged in the past couple of years. This is primarily because it can be used in every kind of situation. Having a stressful time at work? Guess today is the day you order that ridiculous $7 artisanal coffee. Finally finished all your chores? That online shopping cart is just waiting to be emptied as a reward. Hanging out with your friend? Why yes, why not order takeout for the third time this week?

It is very telling how many aspects of treat culture are entirely focused on consumerism, and let’s face it—none of us are made of money. That’s why it’s great to create some treat-like experiences that don’t involve you having to part with your hard-earned dollars. This list of memes aims to offer exactly that. It’s a luxury that everyone can afford.

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