A Tapestry of Memes Woven With Funny Tidbits

I am a great believer that it is the little things in life that are the best bits. As a society, we make a lot of noise about the big milestones in life at the expense of everything that is less flashy, but more frequent. 

I’m not denying that things like falling in love for the first time, moving into your dream home, or watching your kids graduate are great things to experience, but they are ultimately tiny stretches of time in the whole arc of our lives. The stuff that we’re experiencing day in, day out is all mundane, like what we choose to have for breakfast, or changes in the weather

These days, memes are also an essential part of that daily digest. On our deathbed, we might not remember that amusing meme we sent to a friend at 8:15pm on a Saturday in 2023. Still, we will have enjoyed it in the moment, and that’s what really counts.

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