A Tasteful Dash of Pretty Good Memes

Memes are the perfect form of communication for total introverts. Think about it—if you’re a pretty reserved homebody but you still feel like being social now and again, enjoying funny memes kind of achieves the vibe of cracking jokes with a group of friends. It’s kind of like listening to one of those podcasts that’s basically just a group of friends talking to each other in a room. If you’re an especially online person, you’re probably familiar with a lot of the recurring references that inevitably develop in the long game of telephone that is meme creation. Introverted meme-heads get to feel in on all the jokes without having to directly interact with a single human. It’s a win win if you ask me. 

If you love jokes and humor but would rather not engage in IRL social situations, we’ve got just the collection of memes that can double as funny little friends in your phone. 

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