A Totally Mental Mess of British Headlines

According to a lot of people, journalism has either been dead or dying for years. Its demise is discussed all over the Internet, which is coincidentally thought of as the force behind that very same demise. While we don’t appreciate the clickbaity direction that many formerly reputable news giants have taken, there is some humor to be found in the descent into traffic-minded garbage. 

While subreddits like r/nottheonion or r/FloridaMan have been covering crazy headlines for quite a while, in the last couple of years a new player has arrived on the scene, and we love its specificity. We’re talking about the @MentalHeadline Twitter account, which is a treasure trove of, well, some seriously mental headlines from across the pond. News and tabloid websites in the UK seem to be «built different,» and we’re absolutely chuffed to be able to enjoy the cringe and comedy they provide in one convenient place. We’ve put together a selection of their latest and greatest findings so you can enjoy them, too. 

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