Adult Children Discuss The Struggle of Financially Supporting Their Parents

Money is not an easy thing to manage. It comes and goes so quickly for a lot of us, and it’s very difficult to predict how much cash you will need in the future. Chances are, it’s a lot. We always need more money than we’ve got, and when you’re in a situation of financial distress, you don’t always know which way to turn. If you’re lucky, you can ask your parents or grandparents to help you escape a financial pickle. Unfortunately, a lot of people’s parents are in just as sticky a financial situation as they are. A large group of young people who have achieved some level of financial security find themselves in the position of having to support their parents. Comedian and writer Ashley Ray shared on Twitter that she had saved $10K for a car, and just like that, her mom needed $9K to save her house. 

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