An Acceptable Portion of Random Memes

If you’re reading this from the USA, chances are that you are going to be indulging over the next couple of days. That’s fair enough! We all deserve to eat our bodyweight in leftovers and buy some questionable bargains sometimes. Plus, we’ve somehow managed to get through a solid 90% of the year already, and that means that we need a break. However, as we take this time to treat ourselves, we can’t forget all the other things that usually get us through the day. Rain or shine, work or play, memes are part of the glue that holds us together when all we need is a little harmless distraction. It’s only fair that we add them to our list of indulgences while we’re at it. Of all the vices we have, they are one of the least harmful. That is, so long as you’re scrolling through ones of reasonable quality, such as these. 

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