An Enticing Gallery of Convenient Meme Entertainment

We get it. You’re tired. 

So are we. 

Existence is exhausting. Waking up day after day in this thankless cycle of work, with only a few hours each night of respite. Time we should spend with loved ones, or on our passions. Hours that end up spent with our eyes glazed over, attempting to feed ourselves or accomplish those nagging chores like laundry that we’d really rather not do on the weekend. Once that two day vacation comes around, we find ourselves devoid of energy. We laze, or drink the pain away, barely able to recharge for another joyous week of toiling. 

The constant suffering and exhaustion mean that we have to entertain ourselves in easy ways. By doing things that barely exercise the few brain cells we have left. This usually means we’re staring at yet another screen. Either at the TV, with some dumb show or movie. Or at the computer, killing some imaginary foe with the friends we don’t see in real life. Or at our phones, looking at memes. We can’t assist in the former activities, but we can definitely help in the meme department. Here’s hoping these quick and easy tidbits of humor help to kill a little of the pain. We all deserve better.

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