An Excessive Spillage of Memes

There’s very little about the world of memes that’s actually organized. Sure, many of them come recognizable and regularly repeated formats, but the distribution is all over the place. 

If you’ve ever felt the pain of seeing a hilarious meme only for it to be lost in an accidental page refresh, you’ll realize how difficult the business memeing can be for something that should be laid back. We are presented with so much stuff, everywhere on the internet, all the time. Is it any wonder we try and turn to a little more common sense and order?

We can’t say that Memebase provides this, exactly, but it’s definitely less overwhelming than the alternative. This portion of memes is relatively restrained compared to what you might find elsewhere, but it still offers a real variety. I mean, if we put it into perspective, it’s probably still enough overstimulation to do some mortal damage to a sickly Victorian child.

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