An Umbrella of Friends Memes to Keep You Warm for When the Rain Starts to Pour

You know how a lot of Friends fans like to compare themselves to one of the characters? You can learn a lot about someone’s personality from which character of Friends they think they are. 

The thing is, there could be a big difference between the character that you think you are and the character other people see you as. I always thought I was a Phoebe, I saw myself the most in her. At school, I was always the spacy, quirky kind of girl, which matches a lot with Phoebe’s behavior on the show. But when I talked about it with my boyfriend, he said that I am more of a Monica. He feels like I am a lot more organized and a bit pedantic in the way I go about my day. Gee, thanks, the love of my life. I mean, I love Monica, but I think we would all prefer being a bit more of a Phoebe. 

Whether you are a Monica, a Chandler, or a Rachel, you are going to enjoy these hysterical Friends memes, so make sure you scroll all the way through. Once you are done, click here for a wholesome story of an old lady buying herself a scooter.

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