Animal Memes For Party Animals And Homebodies Alike

Whoever said dogs were «Man’s Best Friend» forgot to include penguins, raccoons, salmon, and all animals in the animal kingdom. Animals are the light of our lives. They deserve parades and non-toxic cakes celebrating their existence. Disney’s Animal Kingdom is just that; a theme park devoted to celebrating animals 365 days a year. They say it’s not a zoo, but it’s totally a zoo. Animal Kingdom is 33% depictions of wildlife in Asia and Africa, 33% Pandora the World of Avatar, and 33% DInoland USA. To say it’s a cohesive experience would be to lie, but it sure is a blast. More than half of the park is devoted to animals who have never existed or haven’t existed for millions of years, and I think that’s beautiful. If you want a cheaper alternative to celebrate species of animals that are still among the living, this list of adorable animal memes is for you. 

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