Bemusing Memes That Might Amuse

I have a bit of a confession to make. I thought that «bemused» and «amused» meant practically the same thing for a large chunk of my life. Of course, I could tell that the vibes of these words were pretty different. «Bemused» communicates a searing resentment that «amused» just doesn’t have. If you’re curious to know the clear differences between the two words, here are the Mirriam-Webster definitions.

Bemused: marked by confusion or bewilderment: DAZED

Amused: pleasantly entertained or diverted (as by something funny)

Well, now that we’ve got that all cleared up, we can move on to discussing the reason for my confusion. If you haven’t already noticed, «amused» and «bemused» are adjectives that rhyme with each other. You can imagine how confusing that can be for a dum dum like myself. If you’re a simple feller like me who needs obvious and clear jokes to get you through the day, then these memes are sure to do the trick

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