‘Block her number and move on’: Boutique owner gifts employee jumpsuit from her store, demands it back when employee injures herself

Wearing a uniform for a job can be an incredibly annoying reality. It’s enough of a pain that you have to give your time to your job when you don’t want to, but it’s another thing to have to surrender your personal style as well. I understand that it’s required for safety in some instances, but in others, it’s just another way for your boss to exert power over you. I used to have to wear a uniform when I was in grade school, and I raged against it every day and never looked back when it was over. 

But in this story from Reddit, a former employer tried to control what her employee was wearing even after she quit. The story involves some salty text messages, a gift that was revoked, and plenty of commenters setting her straight on what to do. Read on for the details of this sticky situation. 

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